cupcakes! They make friends with Snow White (who makes the best cupcakes ever) and help save her from the evil Queen who wants to stop her from making these treats which give her a tummy ache. but now you can see these cute little birds in action in a quest for their favorite food. acting out some of the plays in pictures. This play features our website mascot the Kachu! Kachus can been found all over the website. "Snow White and the 7 Kachus" (free preview) The Forgotten Grimm Brother Fairy Tale of Word document you can edit (with royalty)Ī play in the tradition of Harry Potter where kids with magical powers attend their first magic camp. This story touches a little bit on the fairy tale but might be more Harry Potter or Beetlejuice than a typical telling.
The play is written for 8 females but any part can be played by a male. "The Curse of Rumpelstiltskin" play for 8 actors of any gender.
#Play scripts com pdf
Low Cost PDF of all three versions (with version for male lead) Word document of 30 minute version for 14+ actors with female lead Low Cost PDF of 30 minute version for 14+ actors with female lead Word document of 15 minute version for 7+ actors with female lead Low Cost PDF of 15 minute version for 7+ actors with female lead (both male and female lead versions available) The Pint Sized Pirate goes on a quest to save the pirates who have been captured by a sea monster. "The Pint Sized Pirate" The story of a small pirate with big dreams.
#Play scripts com free
"The Owl, the Bull and the Forest" (100% free preview)- A short Children's Play - 2 actors with possible extras and low cost PDF available or purchase a Word document you can edit of this play at (includes performance rights) "Holka Polka!" (free preview A Fairy Tale Mystery - 6+ female, 2+ male, 11+ either and optional extras. "Beauty IS a Beast" (free preview) Children's Comedy - f15-25 speaking parts with more possible extra parts as well (run time: 50-60 minutes) Word document version you can edit (with performance rights)
#Play scripts com full
"Why Don't They Care What Happens to the Earth?" - A Full Length Children's Play about a group of animals who have lost their homeland due to an oil spill - 5 actors (female or male) Or a Word Document version you can edit Sellfy Word doc What happens when a princess wants to wear too many clothes? "The Princess's New Clothes" (free play preview) Short comedy play for 7-11+ actors It's a mix of the famous fairy tale and the story of Frankenstein! "The Gingerbread Girl" (free preview) This wacky play takes place after the story of the Gingerbread Man. Purchase Word document version you can edit (with performance rights) The play has a flexible cast with anywhere from 8 characters to dozens of parts. They decide to create problems in the peaceful kingdom of Chalupa.
"Dragon Trouble" (free preview) Children's Play: Susie Sally Sassafras and her fairy friends like to make a lot of trouble. Children's Plays for Kids (royalty free no cost scripts) Free Family Stage Play Scripts